The Grand Lodge of AF & AM of India Freemasons Lodge Gomantak No. 248, Goa Image Map

Sunday 26 June 2016

Lodge Gomantak No.248 celebrates Universal Brotherhood Day with Shanti Avedna, Loutulim, Goa

 Lodge Gomantak No.248 celebrated Universal Brotherhood Day on 24th June, 2016 at the Goa Branch of Shanti Avedna, a Hospice for terminally ill cancer patients. Brethren of the Lodge, along with their families, interacted with the matron, sisters and voluntary workers running the hospice and the patients at the facility.

 Hospital supplies and toiletries, etc. were presented to the Sister in charge of the hospice. Snacks and soft drinks were served the inmates. The total value of the charity was about Rs. 16,000/-.

Ms. Maria Rodrigues, the young and dynamic Sarpanch of Loutulim Village Panchayat, on the invitation by the brethren, graced the occasion, and her graceful presence was appreciated by all. Readers may recall that the Masonic Temple of Lodge Gomantak will be constructed on the plot of land situated in this village.

As the W. Master of Lodge Gomanatk No. 248 was away on a pressing family engagement, W. Bro. Devidas Borkar, W. Master of Mark Lodge Gomantak No. 153 addressed the gathering. He gave an overview of the nature of Freemasonry and the importance of Universal Brotherhood Day. Brethren lauded the good work being done by the sisters who managed the hospice and requested the matron in charge to contact the brethren for any further assistance needed from the Lodge.

The Sister in charge complimented and thanked the brethren of Lodge Gomantak for visiting and bringing solace to the inmates of the Hospice for many years in succession.

After the visit to Shanti Avedna, members of Lodge visited the site of the proposed Masonic Temple at Loutulim. A get-together and fellowship was also organized as a part of the celebration of Universal Brotherhood Day. W. Bro. Anastasio Colaco treated the brethren to a sumptuous dinner at his residence. All the brethren enjoyed the fellowship and dinner.

Monday 13 June 2016

Bro. Devidas Borkar Installed in the Eastern Chair of Mark Lodge Gomantak No. 153, Goa

The 2nd Annual Installation Ceremony of Mark Lodge Gomantak No.153 was held on Saturday, 11th June, 2016 at Jai Kieran Hall, Ramnathi, Goa. Bro. Devidas Borkar was ceremoniously placed in the Master's Chair by V. W. Bro. Madhukar C. Thakkar, the Ruling Master of the Lodge.

W. Bro. Devidas Borkar then appointed and invested his Officers for the year 2016-17.

The ceremony was attended by brethren of the Lodge in large numbers. W. Bro. P. C. Dhananjeya, Assistant Regional Grand Mark Master graced the occasion as representative of the R.W. the Regional Grand Mark Master of the Regional Grand Mark Lodge of Southern India, R. W. Bro. Arvind Prasad Chitra. W. Bro. Dhananjeya congratulated the outgoing Master on his achievements in the year 2015-16.He wished the incoming Master well, and appreciated the plans he had for his year as Master of the Lodge. He complimented the officers of the Lodge, particularly the Secretary V. W. Bro Yashkaran Singh Lauly and the Treasurer Bro. Subhash Malkarnekar , for their outstanding performance. He also delivered the Address to the Master.

V. W. Bro. Madhukar C. Thakkar gave a succinct report of his Stewardship of the Lodge highlighting the various activities of the Lodge. He recollected the Consecration and Installation ceremony held in June 2015, a memorable event which saw the august presence of M.W. the Grand Mark Master, R. W. the Grand Master elect, all Regional Grand Masters and a large number of Mark Master Masons. He appreciated the co-operation he received from the brethren of the Lodge. He thanked the officers of the Grand Lodge of India and the Regional Grand Lodge of Southern India, and especially R. W. the Regional Grand Master R. W. Bro. Arvind Prasad Chitra for their, advice, support and encouragement.

W. Bro. Devidas Borkar, in his acceptance address, complimented the outgoing Master and officers for their excellent performance and solicited their support and co-operation during his Mastership. He also outlined his intention of placing the Lodge on a sound footing by advancing more members and improving the performance of rituals.

Brethren from Hubli, Dharwad and Bangalore graced the ceremony with their presence.

The evening ended with a festive board and fellowship which were enjoyed by all.

Friday 26 February 2016

Bro. Manoj Timble Installed in the Eastern Chair of Lodge Gomantak No. 248, Goa

The 35th Annual Installation Ceremony of Lodge Gomantak No. 248 was held on Saturday, 20th February, 2016 at Jai Kieran Hall, Ramnathi, Goa. Bro. Manoj Timble was ceremoniously placed in the Chair of King Solomon by W. Bro. John Sylvester Silveira, the Ruling Master of the Lodge. 

W. Bro. Manoj Timble then appointed and invested his Officers for the year 2016-17.

The ceremony was attended by brethren of the Lodge in large numbers. W. Bro. C. Nagaraju, ARGM of North Karnataka and Goa Area graced the occasion as representative of the R.W. the Regional Grand Master of the Regional Grand Lodge of Southern India, R. W. Bro. Arvind Prasad Chitra. W. Bro. Nagaraju congratulated the outgoing Master on his achievements in the year 2015-16 and wished the incoming Master well. He complimented the officers of the Lodge, particularly the Secretary and the Treasurer, for their outstanding performance. He also delivered the Address to the Master.

W. Bro. John Sylvester Silveira gave a succinct report of his Stewardship of the Lodge highlighting the various activities of the Lodge. He appreciated the co-operation he received from both senior and younger brethren of the Lodge. He thanked the officers of the Grand Lodge of India and the Regional Grand Lodge of Southern India, and especially R. W. the Regional Grand Master R. W. Bro. Arvind Prasad Chitra and W. the ARGM W. Bro. Nagaraju for their, advice, support and encouragement.

W. Bro. Mohan Annigeri, Ruling Master of Lodge Dharwad No. 54, W. Bro. Bharat Mudareddi of the same Lodge, and W. Bro. M. Ganganna of Lodge Vijayanagar, Hospet graced the ceremony with their presence.

The august presence of W. Bro. Richard J. Kendrick PPSGD (Past Provincial Senior Grand Steward), UGLE (who incidentally celebrated his 41st Masonic Birthday on 20th February) brought greater colour to the ceremony.

The evening ended with toasts, a raffle in aid of charity, a festive board, fellowship and a karaoke session which were enjoyed by all.