The Grand Lodge of AF & AM of India Freemasons Lodge Gomantak No. 248, Goa Image Map

Friday 14 September 2012

Half-Yearly Meet of the Regional Grand Lodge of Southern India at Rajahmundry

The Worshipful Master accompanied by eight brethren of Lodge Gomantak No. 248 travelled to Rajahmundry for the Half-yearly Meet of the Regional Grand Lodge of Southern India on 8th and 9th September, 2012.

Besides attending the Half-yearly Meet of the Regional Grand Lodge of Southern India, it was an occasion to meet and interact with the M.W. the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of India, M. W. Bro Capt. Dr. Balaram Biswakumar, the Grand Master Elect R. W. Bro. Vasudev J. Masurekar, R. W. the Regional Grand Master, R. W. Bro. R. Sushil Raj and officers of the Grand Lodge and the Regional Grand Lodge of Southern India, as well as brethren from different Lodges across the Southern Region.

Brethren who are members of higher degrees also attended the respective meet/convocation.

Lodge Godavery No 89, the Host Lodge, which also celebrated its Centenary, had made excellent arrangements for the event. Delegates enjoyed the delightful entertainment programme and the sumptuous banquet spread provided at the venue on Saturday, as also the variety entertainment and lunch at Garden City the next afternoon.

Brethren also visited the landmarks of Rajahmundry, in particular the Godavari Barrage and the Sir Arthur Cotton Museum, which has a unique collection of the machinery and equipment used for building the dam, as also a bird’s eye view of the life of Gen Arthur Cotton.

Brethren of Lodge Godavery No. 89 deserve a word of appreciation for the excellent arrangements made by them for a pleasant and memorable stay of all visiting brethren.

Tuesday 26 June 2012

Universal Brotherhood Day with Shanti Avedana, Loutulim, Goa

Lodge Gomantak No.248 celebrated Universal Brotherhood Day on 24th June, 2012 at the Goa Branch of Shanti Avedana, a Hospice for terminally ill cancer patients.

Brethren of the Lodge, along with their families, interacted with the sisters and voluntary workers running the hospice and the patients at the facility.

Hospital supplies and linen was presented to the Sister in charge of the hospice. An amount of Rs 8,000/- was also presented to the Sister in charge of the hospice to take care of the needs of the inmates.

After the visit to Shanti Avedana, members of Lodge and their families visited the site of the proposed Masonic Temple at Loutulim.

A family get-together was also organized as a part of the celebration of Universal Brotherhood Day. A prospective member of the Lodge was also invited to the visit to Shanti Avedana and the subsequent get-together to acquaint him with the brethren in the lodge and to give him a feel of the unity and brotherly atmosphere in the Lodge and the activities of the Lodge.

Tuesday 5 June 2012

A Second Lodge Meeting and Picnic at Candolim

For the second year in succession,  Lodge Gomantak No.248.planned an annual meeting-cum-picnic at Casa Dos Reis, Candolim, Goa, the residence of Brother Erle Brito.

Accordingly, 26th and 27th of May 2012 were special days for the Brethren of Lodge Gomantak No.248. On 26th evening, a regular meeting of the Lodge was held, combined with an overnight outing and picnic.

All precautions to secure and tyle the hall and to ensure privacy were taken and special dispensation for holding the meeting was obtained from the Secretary, RGL.

Six brethren of the Lodge, who are senior citizens, contributed towards the cost of fellowship and banquet. After the meeting, The W. Master felicitated these brethren and presented them with mementos as a fraternal token of appreciation.

The family members were familiarized with the basic philosophy of Freemasonry. Variety entertainment by brethren and their family members, fellowship and dinner concluded the evening.

The next morning, Bro. Erle Brito gave all interested members lessons in photography, archery and rifle shooting, which brethren and their children found very interesting.

Many members with their families visited Candolim beach, adjacent to the venue of the meeting. They departed in the early evening after a sumptuous lunch.

Monday 30 April 2012

Memorial Service in Homage to the Late R.W.Bro. Dr. R. Y. Kittur

R.W. Bro. Dr. Ramesh  Yeshwant  Kittur, a Senior Past Master of Lodge Victoria No. 9 and a Founder Member of Lodge Gomantak No. 248 was called to the Grand Lodge above on 8th April, 2012.

R.W. Bro. Dr. R. Y. Kittur who was initiated into Freemasonry on 5th July, 1969, was a distinguished Brother and an excellent ritualist. He was bestowed numerous ranks in The Grand Lodge of India and Regional Grand Lodge of Southern India. He was a treasure of information and guidance to every brother and an excellent source of Masonic knowledge and information.


Obsequies in homage to his memory were held at Lodge Victoria No. 9, Belgaum on Sunday, 22nd April.
The Immediate Past Master of Lodge Gomantak No. 248 W. Bro.  D. V. Borkar, W. Bro.  R. V. Nevrekar, W. Bro. P. T. Gaunekar and Bro. Prasad Borkar attended the ceremony on behalf of the brethren of Lodge Gomantak. W. Bro. D. V. Borkar addressed the brethren and conveyed the sympathies and condolences of the brethren of Lodge Gomantak and himself to the brethren of Lodge Victoria and the members of the bereaved family.

Monday 12 March 2012

Bro. Anastasio Colaco Installed As Master Of Lodge Gomantak

The 31st Annual Installation Ceremony of Lodge Gomantak No. 248 was held on Saturday, 18th February, 2011at Jai Kieran Hall, Ramnathi, Goa. Bro. Anastasio Colaco was ceremoniously placed in the Chair of King Solomon by W. Bro. Devidas V. Borkar, the Ruling Master of the Lodge.

W. Bro. Anastasio Colaco then appointed and invested his Officers for the year 2012-13.

The ceremony was attended by brethren of the Lodge in large numbers. W. Bro. Yashkaran Singh, ARGM of North Karnataka and Goa Area graced the occasion as representative of the R.W. the Regional Grand Master of the Regional grand Lodge of Southern India, R. W. Bro. R. Sushil Raj.

W. Bro. Alvito Martins, Ruling Master of Lodge Haig Brown No.3829 of the English Constitution, Bro. Austin Ellis of Lodge Salfire No. 1505 under Scottish Constitution, W. Bro. Vithal of Lodge Dharwad No. 54 and other distinguished brethren graced the ceremony with their presence.

The evening ended with a festive board and fellowship which was enjoyed by all.

Monday 23 January 2012

R. W. The Regional Grand Master Visits the Lodge

Sunday the 22nd of January, 2012 was a golden-letter day for Lodge Gomantak No. 248.

On that day. W. Bro. Retna Raj Sushil Raj, P.A.G.M, R. W. the Regional Grand Master of the Regional Grand Lodge of Southern India attended the regular meeting of the Lodge, along with his officers. He was accompanied by W. Bro. Yashkaran Singh, the Assistant Regional Grand Master of North Karnataka Area, W. Bro. A. B. Bhalerao, Regional Grand Director of Ceremonies and other officers who formed his deputation.

R.W. Bro. R. Sushil Raj was received into the Lodge in procession as per protocol, and welcomed by the W. Master, W. Bro. Devidas Borkar. He was also unanimously elected an Honorary Member of the Lodge.

R. W. the Regional Grand Master then occupied the Eastern Chair and conducted the ceremony for raising Bro. Anthony Fernandes to the sublime degree of Master Mason.

He was ably assisted by his officers who replaced the regular Lodge officers in conducting the ceremony.

All visiting brethren and brethren of the Lodge were impressed by the exemplary manner in which the entire ceremony was performed. It was indeed a memorable occasion for the Lodge and for Bro. Anthony Fernandes who had the privilege of being raised by R. W. the Regional Grand Master.

In his address, R.W. the Regional Grand Master expressed his happiness with the arrangements for the meeting in particular and for the activities of the Lodge in general. He also expressed the hope that the Lodge Temple would be ready soon, and exhorted the brethren to interact with the local community for a better image of Freemasonry. He extended his hand of assistance to the Lodge if required in the Temple project or any other undertaking of the Lodge.

Distinguished visitors who attended the meeting included W. Bro. Ray Smith of Lodge Royal St. Edmunds No.008, W. Bro. John Scotney of Lodge Dr. Oliver No.3964, W. Bro. John Cox of Lodge Southius No. 8774, all under the United Grand Lodge of England, Bro. Austin Ellis of Lodge Salfire No. 1505 under Scottish Constitution and W. Bro. Francisco Vares Machado of Lodge Camoes No.15 and the Grand Ambassador of the Grand Lodge Regular of Portugal.

During the fellowship which followed the formal meeting and which was enjoyed by all present, R. W. the Regional Grand Master interacted with the visitors and brethren of Lodge Gomantak. The brethren departed with very happy memories of the eventful evening.