The Grand Lodge of AF & AM of India Freemasons Lodge Gomantak No. 248, Goa Image Map

Tuesday 30 June 2015

Lodge Gomantak No.248 celebrates Universal Brotherhood Day with Shanti Avedna, Loutulim, Goa

Lodge Gomantak No.248 celebrated Universal Brotherhood Day on 24th June, 2015 at the Goa Branch of Shanti Avedna, a Hospice for terminally ill cancer patients. Brethren of the Lodge, along with their families, interacted with the sisters and voluntary workers running the hospice and the patients at the facility.

Hospital supplies and toiletries, etc. were presented to the Sister in charge of the hospice. The W. Master, W. Bro. John Silveira served the inmates snacks and soft drinks. The total value of the charity was about Rs. 11,500/-.

The Sister in charge complimented and thanked the brethren of Lodge Gomantak for visiting and bringing solace to the inmates of the Hospice for three years in succession.

After the visit to Shanti Avedna, members of Lodge and their families visited the site of the proposed Masonic Temple at Loutulim. A family get-together was also organized as a part of the celebration of Universal Brotherhood Day. All the brethren and their families enjoyed the fellowship and dinner.

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Saturday 20 June 2015

Brethren of Lodge Gomantak Host Grand Communication

Brethren of Lodge Gomantak No. 248 along with other Lodges of North Karnataka area hosted an Especial Communication of the Grand Lodge of India at Highland Beach Resort, Candolim, Goa on 6th June 2015. 

During the first twelve years after the formation of GLI, quarterly communications were organized, but the practice was discontinued and only annual Grand Festivals were held. This is, therefore, the first such half-yearly Especial Communication to be organized by GLI. Bre5hren of Lodges of Goa and North Karnataka Area are proud to be selected for organizing this unique event.

The Especial Communication, which began at 5.00 P.M., was preceded by a Half-yearly Communication of the Grand Lodge of Mark Masters of India at 4.00 P.M. the same evening.

Both the meetings were attended by brethren from across the country in large numbers, including two past RGM's, all the four ruling RGM'S, the Grand Master elect and the Grand Master.

Later in the evening, delegates partook of a sumptuous dinner and great fellowship. Arrangements for the stay of the delegates had been made at the venue of the meet.

A raffle and an auction in aid of the Temple Project of Lodge Gomantak No 248 were arranged by W. Bro. G. Richard Gould, IPM of the Lodge, in which delegates participated enthusiastically. 


The next morning, The Regional Grand Lodge of Southern India organized a Retreat wherein learned papers were presented. These comprised a paper on "How Many Hirams are there in our Craft Ritual" delivered by W. Bro. G. Richard Gould, "The Masonic Path to Light", a power point presentation by R. W. Bro. C. S. Madhavan, and the prize-winning essay on "To improve the Morals and Correct the Manners of Men in society must be our constant endeavor" read out by W. Bro.Sreedharan Srikanth.

Simultaneously, a workshop on "Mentoring" for the mentors of Goa and North Karnataka area was organized by the ARGM of the area, W. Bro. C. Nagaraju. R. W. Bro. Sharath Choudry the Chief Regional Mentor of Southern Region, was the resource person of the workshop.

Both events were attended by brethren in large numbers. Brethren departed from the campus after a delightful lunch, and all expressed their appreciation of the arrangements and hospitality offered by the organizers.

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Tuesday 9 June 2015

Mark Lodge Gomantak No. 153 Consecrated W. Bro. Madhukar C. Thakkar Installed as Founder Worshipful Master

The newly formed Mark Lodge Gomantak No 153 was ceremoniously consecrated and constituted at Highland Beach resort, Candolim, Goa on Saturday, 6th June 2015 at 9.30 A.M. in a very solemn and impressive ceremony. 

Twenty-six brethren from Goa, Belgaum, Hubli and Dharwad had petitioned to the Grand Lodge of  Mark Masons of India for starting a Mark Lodge in Goa, and the petition was acceded to by the M. W. The Grand Mark Master. Accordingly, it was decided to have the consecration of the lodge on the occasion of the Especial Communication of the Grand Lodge of India to be held in Goa on 6th June 2015. 

M.W. Bro. Vasudev Jamnavihar Masurekar, M.W. the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Master Masons of India was the Consecrating Officer and was ably assisted by R. W. Bro. Arvind Prasad Chitra as I.P.M. and Installing Officer, R.W. Bro. S. K. Chibber as S.W., R.W. Bro. V. Kesava Rao as J.W, V. W. Bro. Subhash Chawla as Chaplain and V. W. Bro. R. Rajeev Raj as D.O.C. and R. W. Bro. V. K. Gupta as Secretary.

First a Casual Lodge of Mark Master Masons was opened and then Mark Lodge Gomantak No. 153 was ceremoniously consecrated and constituted according to ancient custom in a very impressive manner by the Consecrating Officer. V. W. Bro. Subhhash Chawla gave the oration.

W. Bro. Madhukar Chatrabhuj Thakkar was then ceremoniously installed as the Founder Master by R.W. Bro. Arvind Prasad Chitra, R. W. the Regional Grand Mark Master of the Regional Grand Mark Lodge of Southern India. 

Bro. Subhash Malkarneker was elected Founder Treasurer and W. Bro. Suhas Ganachary Tyler of the Lodge.

The W. Master then appointed and invested the following Founding Officers of the Lodge:
I.P.M                                                               V. W. Bro. Praful A. Singala
S.W.                                                                Bro. Devidas V. Borkar
J.W.                                                                 Bro. Prakash Gaunekar
M.O.                                                                Bro. Yazdi E. Shroff
S.O.                                                                 Bro. Pankaj V. Saraf
J.O.                                                                  Bro. Prasad D. Borkar
Chaplain                                                          V.W. Bro. Sunil Morarka
Treasurer                                                         Bro. Subhash S. P. Malkarneker
Registrar of Marks                                          W. Bro. C. Nagaraju
Secretary                                                         W. Bro. Yashkaran Singh Lauly
Director of Ceremonies                                   W. Bro. Abhiman Bhalerao
S. D.                                                                Bro. Godfrey Richard Gould
Steward                                                           Bro. H. S. Patil
Steward                                                           Bro. Gururaj D. Naik.

Address to the W. Master was given by R. W. Bro. A. P. Chitra, to the Wardens by R. W. Bro. S. K. Chibber, to the Overseers By R. W. S. Thirugnanamurthy and to the brethren by R. W. Bro. V. Kesava Rao.

The Founder W. Master W. Bro. M. C. Thakkar, R.W. Bro. A. P. Chitra, R. W. The Regional Grand Master and M. W. Bro. V. J. Masurekar, M.W. the Grand Master then addressed the brethren.

M. W. Bro. Vasudev J. Masurekar, M.W. the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Mark Masters of India and R.W. Bro. A. P. Chitra, R. W. The Regional Grand Mark Master of the Regional Grand Mark Lodge of Southern India were elected Honorary Members of Mark Lodge Gomanatak No. 153.

Founder members attending the ceremony were presented with Founder Member Jewels.

The consecration ceremony was attended by Masons from all over the country, including two past RGM's, all the four ruling  RGM'S, the Grand Master elect and the Grand Master. All the Petitioners felt proud at the unique distinction of having, probably for the first time, all the RGM's, the Grand Master elect and the Grand Master  present for the consecration of any Lodge in India.

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