R.W. Bro. Dr. R. Y. Kittur who was initiated into Freemasonry on 5th July, 1969, was a distinguished Brother and an excellent ritualist. He was bestowed numerous ranks in The Grand Lodge of India and Regional Grand Lodge of Southern India. He was a treasure of information and guidance to every brother and an excellent source of Masonic knowledge and information.

The Immediate Past Master of Lodge Gomantak No. 248 W. Bro. D. V. Borkar, W. Bro. R. V. Nevrekar, W. Bro. P. T. Gaunekar and Bro. Prasad Borkar attended the ceremony on behalf of the brethren of Lodge Gomantak. W. Bro. D. V. Borkar addressed the brethren and conveyed the sympathies and condolences of the brethren of Lodge Gomantak and himself to the brethren of Lodge Victoria and the members of the bereaved family.
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